Five Simple Steps (Designing for the Web)


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design web

Mark Boulton

What is the book about?

A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the principles of graphic design. Featuring five sections, each covering a core aspect of graphic design: Getting Started, Research, Typography, Colour, and Layout. Learn solid graphic design theory that you can simply apply to your designs, making the difference from a good design to a great one.

Who should read this book?

Anyone who fancies a great read! No, seriously, if you're a designer, developer, or content producer, reading A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web will enrich your website design and plug the holes in your design knowledge.

Attribuer une note :


Dispo en ebook pour un tarif très honnête, c'est un excellente introduction aux principes fondamentaux du design.
Bien illustré, avec des cas concrets, il aborde notamment le design basé sur les grilles, la typographie, les couleurs etc.
Seul bémol pour certains d'entre nous: en anglais.